These are conference sessions organized by the Center for Inflation Research. Subscribe to receive the latest information about the Center.
Central Bank Research Association
CEBRA’s mission is to encourage applied and theoretical research on topics relevant to central banks, financial regulators, international financial institutions, and fiscal authorities, as well as to connect the research staff of these institutions with academia. Currently, CEBRA connects researchers from around 60 central banks, IFIs, and academic institutions.
International Symposium on Forecasting [ISF]
The International Symposium on Forecasting, presented by the International Institute of Forecasters (IIF), is the premier international event for professional forecasters. For the past 40 years, this event has been recognized for the important forecasting research presented there, and for having hosted highly respected experts in the field of forecasting, including many Nobel laureates.
Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics [CFE]
The center sponsors sessions at the International Conference on Computation and Financial Econometrics.
Other Sponsored Inflation Sessions
The Center helped the Central Bank Research Association (CEBRA) organize a session on inflation and price setting at the 2020 ASSA annual meeting which was held January 3–5, 2020, in San Diego. See the ASSA website for details.