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Electronic Submission

There are currently several methods of reporting available: data entry and file upload via Reporting Central, file transfer via Central Data Repository for submitting the Call Report data, and data entry via FR Y-10 Online. The process for gaining access to submit a report electronically depends on which report is being submitted.

Submitting data via Reporting Central

Reporting Central provides financial institutions with access to electronic reporting, report forms, and instructions.


To submit statistical and regulatory reports to the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland using Reporting Central, you must agree to the terms as stated in the Federal Reserve’s Operating Circular 5: Electronic Access.

Access procedures

Institutions within the Fourth District seeking access to Reporting Central must complete the steps below:

  1. Complete and submit the Federal Reserve Bank Subscriber Access Request Form via email to
  2. Upon receipt and processing of the form, you will receive a confirmation email.

File upload

The respondent has the option to key data directly or upload a file directly to Reporting Central in spreadsheet format. Refer to the series specific Reporting Central User Guides for file formatting procedures.

Submitting Call Report data via Central Data Repository (CDR)

Call Report data are collected, validated, managed, and distributed through the Central Data Repository (CDR). Under this system, institutions file their Call Report data via the internet using software that contains the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council’s (FFIEC) edits for validating Call Report data before submission. Call Report software vendors, which are found in the quarterly supplemental instructions, modified their software to incorporate these edits, including the Reportability edits, which flag incomplete Call Report data that are required to be reported by a financial institution. This business model requires all FFIEC edits to be explained or resolved before the data are accepted by the CDR.

Access procedures

Please visit the FFIEC’s CDR website for enrollment procedures.

Submitting the FR Y-10 online

As an alternative to submitting an original and one copy of the Report of Changes in Organizational Structure (FR Y-10) respondents may file the FR Y-10 electronically.


To submit statistical and regulatory reports to the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland using FR Y-10 Online, you must agree to the terms as stated in the Federal Reserve’s Operating Circular 5: Electronic Access.

Access procedures

Respondents within the Fourth District interested in filing the FR Y-10 electronically must contact the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland in order to obtain a User ID and password.

Print and complete the User Request Form

  1. Submit the completed form to the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland via email to one of the contacts listed to the right.
  2. Upon receipt and processing of the form, you will be contacted with a username, password, and other relevant information.
  3. The first time you access the site, you will be prompted to change your password.