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How has COVID-19 Impacted Minority-Owned Firms?


Since COVID-19 sparked state-mandated lockdowns nationwide in March, data suggests that minority-owned small businesses have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic, facing higher rates of closures and sharper declines in cash balances as compared to nonminority-owned small businesses.

This FedTalk program will review recent research on the impact of the pandemic on minority-owned firms followed by a discussion with our panelists on their observations and innovative practices to support these businesses.

This videoconference will include time to address audience questions.


Treye Johnson – Regional Outreach Manager, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 


Ann Marie Wiersch – Community Development Policy Advisor, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

  • Jenice Contreras – Executive Director, Northeast Ohio Hispanic Center for Economic Development
  • Juan Garrett – Executive Director, Riverside Center for Innovation
  • Tari Rivera – CEO & Founder, Regency Construction
  • Karis Tzeng – AsiaTown Project Manager, MidTown Cleveland, Inc.

When & Where

October 21, 2020
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
Online Webinar