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FedTalk: Financial Inclusion and the Unbanked

According to a 2021 study by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), 4.5% of American households do not have a bank account.

  • What do we know about why people do not hold bank accounts?
  • What is the economic impact of not being part of the banking system?
  • How successful have programs been at increasing the number of people who have bank accounts?

Join us for a FedTalk to better understand the challenges faced by the unbanked and explore potential solutions.


Speakers include:
  • Paola Boel, Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
  • Lisa A. Nelson, Assistant Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland (Moderator)
  • David Rothstein, Senior Principal, CFE (Cities for Financial Empowerment) Fund
  • Susan Schaaf, Senior Examiner, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland


When and where

Wednesday, November 15, 2023
3:00–4:00 PM ET

Online Webinar