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Ellis W. Tallman

Ellis W. Tallman

Economist Emeritus
Areas of Expertise economic and financial history, economic forecasting, financial crises
Department Research
  • AB,
  • Economics and English,
  • Indiana University,
  • 1980
  • MA,
  • Economics,
  • University of Rochester,
  • 1985
  • PhD,
  • Economics,
  • University of Rochester,
  • 1988

Ellis W. Tallman is an economist emeritus of the Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. Before his retirement, Dr. Tallman was the executive vice president and senior economic policy advisor. In that role, he advised the Cleveland Reserve Bank’s president on monetary policy and related matters. His research focused on macroeconomics, economic forecasting, and US historical episodes of financial crises and policy responses.

Prior to taking up his role as executive vice president, Dr.Tallman was the director of research at the Cleveland Reserve Bank. He was responsible for overseeing the Research Department’s various teams conducting economic research and policy analysis. Before he became Research Director, Dr. Tallman was the Danforth-Lewis Professor of Economics at Oberlin College in the Economics Department and was a visiting scholar in the Research Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.

Prior to joining Oberlin College, Dr. Tallman was a vice president and team leader for the macroeconomics group in the Research Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and an adjunct professor at Emory University. Dr. Tallman also served a two-year appointment as a visiting senior research economist at the Reserve Bank of Australia, where he engaged in policy support and provided economic research for Australia’s central bank.

Dr. Tallman holds an AB in economics from Indiana University Bloomington and an MA and a PhD in economics from the University of Rochester.


Journal Articles

Book Chapters

Conference Proceedings

Other Federal Reserve Publications