Sandra Pianalto
Former President and CEO (2003-2014)
Sandra Pianalto was President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland from February 1, 2003, to May 31, 2014. She held several leadership roles of increasing responsibility prior to being named first vice president and chief operating officer in 1993, and president in 2003. Before joining the Bank, Ms. Pianalto was an economist at the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and served on the staff of the Budget Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives. Ms. Pianalto holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Akron and a master’s degree in economics from George Washington University.
Economic Commentaries
Economic Commentary
Price Stability: Issues and Challenges
06.01.2007 | EC 6/1/2007Central banks have done a very impressive job of achieving low and stable rates of inflation in recent years. -
Economic Commentary
Inflation, Inflation Expectations, and Monetary Policy
09.15.2006 | EC 9/15/2006Careful readers of FOMC communicationswill note that in addition totalking about actual inflation, thecommittee often talks about inflationexpectations. -
Economic Commentary
Economic Conditions and Monetary Policy
07.01.2006 | EC 7/1/2006In order to set monetary policyappropriately, policymakers need toassess current economic conditions,understand how the economy gotwhere it is, and have a good idea ofwhere it is heading. -
Economic Commentary
Monetary Policy in an Interdependent World
05.01.2006 | EC 5/1/2006While central bankers must focus on delivering price stability and other mandates in their own countries, they must also monitor international developments closely because national trade and financial markets have become increasingly interconnected. -
Economic Commentary
Economic Forecasts and Monetary Policy
02.15.2006 | EC 2/15/2006Economic forecasts are essentialtools for monetary policymakers. -
Economic Commentary
The Power of Price Stability
05.01.2005 | EC 5/1/2005The economy has been expanding forthe past few years, but concerns aregrowing over the pressures placed onit by fiscal deficits, current accountimbalances, and energy shocks. -
Economic Commentary
Expectations, Communications, and Monetary Policy
04.15.2005 | EC 4/15/2005Since early 1994, the FOMC hastaken many steps toward increasingthe amount of information it conveysto the public about its actions. -
Economic Commentary
A Perspective on Monetary Policy
02.01.2005 | EC 2/1/2005This Commentary contains aninsider’s view of the decision makingprocess followed by the monetarypolicymakers of the FOMC. -
Economic Commentary
A Perspective on Monetary Policy
05.01.2004 | EC 5/1/2004Sandra Pianalto is the president andchief executive officer of the FederalReserve Bank of Cleveland. -
Economic Commentary
A National Voice, a Regional View
03.15.2004 | EC 3/15/2004Sandra Pianalto, president and chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, discusses the way the Federal Reserve System ensures that different regions of the country are represented in making monetary policy. -
Economic Commentary
The Nature of Economic Change
12.01.2003 | EC 12/1/2003Sandra Pianalto, president and chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, addressed the Akron Roundtable on November 20, 2003. She discussed the economy and the nature of economic change. -
Economic Commentary
Monetary Policy with Humility
05.01.2001 | EC 5/1/2001When the economy slows, monetary policymakers face pressure to deviate from their longer-term goals to address short-term problems. -
Economic Commentary
Construction and Monetary Policy: A View from the Sidelines
02.15.1999 | EC 2/15/1999The Federal Reserve’s popularity in the business community is as high as it has been in the 15 years I’ve been in the System, and perhaps as high as ever in our 86-year history. I often hear someone say, “The Fed sure is doing a good job.” -
Economic Commentary
Reorganizing the U.S. Banking Regulatory Structure
04.09.1984 | EC 4/9/1984New financial instruments, new breeds of financial institutions, and different market conditions have developed in the United States since the mid-1970s. -
Economic Commentary
Economic Recovery and the Fourth District
07.05.1983 | EC 7/5/1983The pattern and composition of the national economic recovery are among the most important elements shaping local economic recoveries.
Healthy Banks, Common Traits
Lakshmi Balasubramanyan Doug Campbell Thomas J. Fitzpatrick IV Stacey Gallagher Mark Greenlee Joseph G. Haubrich Stephen H. Jenkins Mary Helen Petrus Sandra Pianalto Kelley Richards Mark S. Sniderman Ericka L. Thoms Ann Marie Wiersch Nadine Wallman01.30.2014 | Winter 2013 - 2014, Vol. 5, No. 1Common traits as adequate capital, quality of assets, earnings, liquidity, management, and sensitivity to market risks often determine the overall health regional banks. -
The Dry, Wonky, Utterly Essential World of Financial Stability Analysis
Thomas J. Fitzpatrick IV Maureen O’Connor Sandra Pianalto Jazmin Tanner Ericka L. Thoms Ann Marie Wiersch Abigail R. Zemrock11.06.2013 | Fall 2013, Vol. 4, No. 2The science of financial stability analysis is imperfect yet bank examiners have become financial system supervisors to identify system risks and how to respond to them. -
Past Performance—Future Results
Mark Carlson Yuliya Demyanyk Thomas J. Fitzpatrick IV Joseph G. Haubrich Allan Meltzer Stephen J. Ong Sandra Pianalto Peter Rousseau Robert J. Sadowski Ellis W. Tallman David Wheelock06.25.2013 | Spring 2013, Vol. 4, No. 1A review of economic history and a thoughtful look at Federal Reserve policies over the past century. -
Experiments in Education: What’s Working in Your Town?
Dionissi Aliprantis Michael D. Bordo Jean Burson Todd E. Clark Joan Curran Darkortey Thomas J. Fitzpatrick IV Jacob Kuipers Daniel A. Littman Mary Helen Petrus Sandra Pianalto01.23.2013 | Fall 2012, Vol. 3, No. 3Across America, schools are embarking on grand experiments to improve educational outcomes. At the same time, economists are examining what works and what doesn't. The latest issue of Forefront takes an illustrated look at some of the myriad reforms happening in Anytown, USA. -
Rebuilding Communities
Kyle D. Fee Todd E. Clark Anne M. DiTeodoro Anne O’Shaughnessy April McClellan-Copeland Sandra Pianalto09.25.2012 | Summer 2012, Vol. 3, No. 2Policy Summit 2012 presented attendees with new ways to approach economic development that is multipronged, holistic, and includes long-term planning and execution. -
Public Finance: Shining Light on a Dark Corner
Jean Burson Doug Campbell John B. Carlson Daniel R. Carroll Thomas J. Fitzpatrick IV Moira Kearney-Marks Daniel A. Littman April McClellan-Copeland Nelson Oliver Sandra Pianalto05.06.2012 | Spring 2012, Vol. 3, No. 1The spring issue of Forefront, the Cleveland Fed’s policy magazine, explores the troubles facing state and local government finances. -
Generation Recession
Anne M. DiTeodoro O. Emre Ergungor Thomas J. Fitzpatrick IV Daniel A. Hartley Margaret Jacobson Daniel A. Littman Lou Marich Cindy Merritt Filippo Occhino Sandra Pianalto Murat Tasci Stephan D. Whitaker Mary Zenker11.07.2011 | Fall 2011, Vol. 2, No. 3Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland economists examine the many forces that will determine how “great” the most recent recession turns out to be. Find the articles, plus our interview with economic historian Price Fishback, in the fall 2011 issue of Forefront. -
The Inflation Issue
Kenneth R. Beauchemin Becky Bristol John B. Carlson Daniel R. Carroll Todd E. Clark Elizabeth Hanna Joseph G. Haubrich Owen F. Humpage Natalie Karrs Lou Marich Brent Meyer Mehmet Pasaogullari Sandra Pianalto Gloria Simms05.23.2011 | Spring 2011, Vol. 2, No. 2Frequently asked questions about inflation ranging from how to achieve price stability to the Federal Reserve’s dual mandate to how to gauge when people are concerned about inflation. -
The Future of Financial Market Regulation
O. Emre Ergungor Thomas J. Fitzpatrick IV Elizabeth Hanna Joseph G. Haubrich Natalie Karrs Daniel A. Littman Lou Marich April McClellan-Copeland Sandra Pianalto Jennifer K. Ransom03.01.2011 | Winter 2011, Vol. 2, No. 1The Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 will help regulatory agencies and the Federal Reserve develop rules to protect consumers and curb future financial crises. -
The Economic Importance of Being Educated
Daniel A. Littman Amy L. Koehnen Andrea Pescatori April McClellan-Copeland Filippo Occhino Anne O’Shaughnessy Sandra Pianalto Jennifer K. Ransom12.09.2010 | Fall 2010, Vol. 1, No. 3Many experts believe that early childhood development is economic development, and the research shows it’s economic development with a high public return. -
A Proposal: Using the CRA to Fight Vacancy and Abandonment
O. Emre Ergungor Kyle D. Fee Thomas J. Fitzpatrick IV Lou Marich Todd Morgano Lisa A. Nelson Anne O’Shaughnessy Sandra Pianalto Ann Marie Wiersch05.03.2010 | Spring 2010, Vol. 1, No. 2In 2009, banks became the reluctant holders of more than 1,500 foreclosed properties in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. Most of these houses are in Cleveland, worth little to nothing, and in danger of remaining vacant for the foreseeable future—destined to define neighborhood decay. -
Making Financial Markets Safer for Consumers
Jean Burson Thomas J. Fitzpatrick IV Daniel A. Littman Todd Morgano Mary Helen Petrus Sandra Pianalto Francisca García-Cobián Richter Guhan Venkatu Stephan D. Whitaker12.15.2009 | Winter 2009 - 2010, Vol. 1, No. 1In the wake of the mortgage meltdown, policymakers are discussing how best to protect consumers in financial product markets. The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland hosted a seminar, “Consumer Protection in Financial Product Markets,” in September 2009 to exchange ideas with other regulators about consumer protection and the role of the courts.