An analysis assessing the sensitivity of consumption to income using a life-cycle model of consumption that incorporates the possibility of bankruptcy.
A description of two ways of adding an equation for total factor productivity to the generalized cost system of Atkinson and Halvorsen; includes a discussion of testing for regulatory biases.
An estimation of the life cycle/permanent income model with rational expectations that allows for uncertain future interest rates. Results provide ample evidence to reject this form of model during the postwar period.
A sharp drop in the value of the dollar since February 1985 has created hopes that there will be an increase in net exports that will fuel economic gains both in Ohio and the nation.
A sharp drop in the value of the dollar since February 1985 has created hopes that there will be an increase in net exports that will fuel economic gains both in Ohio and the nation.
Since 1981, business activity has been cycling through high and low points so often that the casual observer might get the impression that the economy has become unstable.
In April 1981, the Subcommittee on Courts of the Senate judiciary Committee began hearings to determine why there was such an extraordinary increase in personal bankruptcies since passage of the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978.
The thrift industry primarily serves as an intermediary between people who wish to save in relatively liquid deposits and people who wish to borrow mortgage funds.