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Todd E. Clark

Todd E. Clark

Senior Vice President
Areas of Expertise macroeconomics, time-series econometrics, forecasting
Department Research
  • AB,
  • Economics and Mathematics,
  • Wabash College,
  • 1985
  • MA,
  • Economics,
  • University of Michigan,
  • 1988
  • PhD,
  • Economics,
  • University of Michigan,
  • 1992

Todd Clark is a senior vice president in the Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. He leads the department’s macroeconomics group.

Dr. Clark joined the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City in 1992 as an economist. He was appointed senior economist in 1996, promoted to assistant vice president in 1999, named vice president in 2003, and appointed the head of the Kansas City Reserve Bank’s macroeconomics group in 2007. In 2010, he joined the Cleveland Reserve Bank as a vice president and in 2017 assumed his current position.

Dr. Clark specializes in research related to macroeconomics and economic forecasting. He has published research on a variety of topics, including the measurement of inflation, forecasting methods, the evaluation of forecasts, and measuring uncertainty. He served as co-editor of the Journal of Business and Economic Statistics from 2016 to 2018 and continues to serve as an associate editor of the Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking. In 2019, Dr. Clark was elected as a fellow of the International Association of Applied Econometrics.

A native of Indiana, Dr. Clark holds a BA in economics and mathematics from Wabash College and an MA and a PhD in economics from the University of Michigan.

Book Chapters

Other Federal Reserve Publications