Michael F. Bryan
Contributing Author
Michael F. Bryan is a contributing author and former employee of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
Working Papers
Working Paper
Testing Near-Rationality Using Detailed Survey Data
04.01.2005 | WP 05-02This paper considers the evidence of "near-rationality," as described by Akerlof, Dickens, and Perry (2000). -
Working Paper
Efficient Inflation Estimation
08.01.1997 | WP 97-07This paper investigates the use of trimmed means as high-frequency estimators of inflation. -
Working Paper
Measuring Core Inflation
06.01.1993 | WP 93-04An analysis of limited-information estimators as measures of core inflation, showing that these estimators have a higher correlation with past money growth and deliver improved forecasts of future inflation relative to the Consumer Price Index. -
Working Paper
A Different Kind of Money Illusion: The Case of Long and Variable Lags
12.01.1991 | WP 91-22An analysis of how the money supply process can affect the cross-covariance structure of inflation and monetary growth.
Economic Commentaries
Economic Commentary
Are Some Prices in the CPI More Forward Looking Than Others? We Think So.
05.19.2010 | EC 2010-02Some items that make up the CPI change prices frequently, while others are slow to change. We explore whether these two sets of prices-sticky and flexible-provide insight on different aspects of the inflation process. -
Economic Commentary
Mirror, Mirror, Who’s the Best Forecaster of Them All?
03.15.2007 | EC 3/15/2007Say you need an accurate forecast of future GDP or inflation. What’s your best bet—the economist who was hot last year or the forecaster in the middle? The record indicates it’s tough to consistently beat the median prediction. -
Economic Commentary
Island Money
02.01.2004 | EC 2/1/2004On a small group of islands in theSouth Pacific, the people use a“money” so astonishing it often getsmentioned in classroom discussionson the subject. -
Economic Commentary
The Trime
01.15.2004 | EC 1/15/2004You might not have heard of the trime, the tiny 3-cent silver coin minted in the United States from1851 to 1873, but it may have played a big role in shaping the kind of money you carry around in your wallet today. -
Economic Commentary
Fear and Loathing of Central Banks in America
06.01.2002 | EC 6/1/2002The Federal Reserve System is America’s uneasy compromise between our wariness of concentrated financial power and our desire to promote efficiency in our national payments system. -
Economic Commentary
Is It More Expensive, or Does It Just Cost More Money?
05.15.2002 | EC 5/15/2002Most of us, from the general public to professional economists, use the term inflation pretty loosely. -
Economic Commentary
The Curiously Different Inflation Perspectives of Men and Women
11.01.2001 | EC 11/1/2001That men and women occasionally see things differently is not a remarkable observation. But that the sexes could report vastly different perspectives on the rate at which prices are rising over a long period of time is astonishing. -
Economic Commentary
The Demographics of Inflation Opinion Surveys
10.15.2001 | EC 10/15/2001In this Commentary, we document that people report very different perceptions and predictions of inflation depending upon their income, education, age, race, and gender—a strange finding that may provide an important clue. -
Economic Commentary
Who Is That Guy on the $10 Bill?
06.01.2000 | EC 6/1/2000Alexander Hamilton is perhaps the least known and most misunderstood of our nation’s founders. -
Economic Commentary
On the Origin and Evolution of the Word Inflation
10.15.1997 | EC 10/15/1997A historical look at the origin and uses of the word inflation. -
Economic Commentary
Bad Standards
10.01.1997 | EC 10/1/1997We should demand rigorous adherence to a standard when it comes to our measure of value - the dollar. -
Economic Commentary
The Consumer Price Index and National Saving
10.15.1995 | EC 10/15/1995Although a majority of U.S. lawmakers now favor the goal of balancing the federal budget within the next decade, there is little consensus on how to achieve it. -
Economic Commentary
Year-End Report of the Fourth District Economists' Roundtable
12.15.1994 | EC 12/15/1994Although economists share a common science, their roles in society vary a great deal. Academic economists expand our understanding of the purpose and operation of markets. Government economists use this knowledge to guide policies. -
Economic Commentary
Midyear Report of the Fourth District Economists' Roundtable
08.01.1994 | EC 8/1/1994Looking into the future is a perilous duty, and it is wise to be humble about our abilities lest we give the impression we know more than we do. -
Economic Commentary
Report of the Fourth District Economists' Roundtable
01.15.1994 | EC 1/15/1994Uncertainties always cloud the economic horizon, and current conditions are no exception to that rule. -
Economic Commentary
The Business Cycle, Investment, and a Wayward M2: A Midyear Review
07.15.1992 | EC 7/15/1992Following a string of small advances that began early last year, the pace of economic expansion, as measured by gross domestic product (GDP), picked up in the first quarter. -
Economic Commentary
Can Conventional Theory Explain the Unconventional Recovery?
04.15.1992 | EC 4/15/1992Advanced economies are characterized by long-run trends in the level of gross domestic product (GDP) that can be predicted with virtual certainty. -
Economic Commentary
Median Price Changes: An Alternative Approach to Measuring Current Monetary Inflation
12.01.1991 | EC 12/1/1991Price movements are the channel through which market information is transmitted. An increase in one price relative to others is the signal that directs resources and rations consumption. -
Economic Commentary
Realignment in the U.S. Motor Vehicle Industry
06.01.1991 | EC 6/1/1991In December 1987, GM closed five auto assembly plants in the United States, including one in Norwood, Ohio. -
Economic Commentary
Forecast Accuracy and Monetary Policy
01.01.1991 | EC 1/1/1991It has been suggested that the purpose of economic forecasting is to make weather forecasters look good by comparison. -
Economic Commentary
Oil, the Economy, and Monetary Policy
11.01.1990 | EC 11/1/1990Soaring oil prices have caused speculation about the prospects for a national recession this winter. -
Economic Commentary
Don't Worry, We'll Grow Out of It: An Analysis of Demographics, Consumer Spending, and Foreign Debt
10.01.1990 | EC 10/1/1990Between the mid-1960s and early 1980s, the age distribution of the U.S. labor force was changed dramatically by the inrush of the baby-boom generation. -
Economic Commentary
Inflation and Growth: Working More vs. Working Better
08.15.1990 | EC 8/15/1990The record of recent economic expansions shows that work effort has supplanted productivity as a source of growth. -
Economic Commentary
Foreign Capital Inflows: Another Trojan Horse?
11.01.1989 | EC 11/1/1989The U.S. economy has been awash in foreign investment for nearly the entire decade of the 19805. -
Economic Commentary
The Emerging Service Economy
06.15.1986 | EC 6/15/1986Alice and the Dormouse in Lewis Carroll’s classic story offer a lesson about human nature that can be applied to our economy. -
Economic Commentary
American Automobile Manufacturing: It's Turning Japanese
03.01.1986 | EC 3/1/1986In the last 10 years, the world auto market has been undergoing possibly the most dramatic transformation since assembly line production was introduced in 1913. -
Economic Commentary
Is Manufacturing Disappearing?
07.15.1985 | EC 7/15/1985Some policymakers continue to favor the idea of using trade barriers to protect US. manufacturing industries. In some measure, this view is based on a perception of underlying weakness in the US. manufacturing sector. -
Economic Commentary
The Financial Distress in American Farming
06.01.1985 | EC 6/1/1985The late 1960s and the 1970s were, by most conventional measures, profitable years for American farmers. The domestic economy experienced relatively strong growth. -
Economic Commentary
Will Taxing Imports Help?
03.15.1985 | EC 3/15/1985The United States is currently experiencing the strongest economic recovery since the Korean War, with virtually no increase in the rate of inflation. -
Economic Commentary
The Costs of a Protectionist Cure
07.30.1984 | EC 7/30/1984In recent years, many ailing US. industries have blamed their ill health on foreign competition and have sought a cure in limiting the flow of imports. -
Economic Commentary
The Mythology of Domestic Content
06.20.1983 | EC 6/20/1983The virtue of free trade is one concept that nearly every economist advocates. -
Economic Commentary
Issues in the 1983 Auto-Sales Outlook
03.07.1983 | EC 3/7/1983Since the late 1970s, the U.S. auto market has suffered a severe decline. Total auto sales (domestic and foreign) have fallen from the highs of over 11 million units in 1977 and 1978 to an anemic average of 8.5 million units since 1980. -
Economic Commentary
Anatomy of a Price-Fix
07.12.1982 | EC 7/12/1982On February 19, 1982, the three largest retail food chains in the Cleveland area were fined $4.2 million by a federal court for criminal price-fixing, after entering pleas of no contest to the charges against them. -
Economic Commentary
Unemployment Insurance: An Old Lesson for the New Federalism?
04.19.1982 | EC 4/19/1982Although the unemployment insurance (UI) system in the United States evolved through the prompting of the federal government, the UI system functions as a collage of 53 individual state programs. -
Economic Commentary
Military Spending and the Economic Outlook
07.27.1981 | EC 7/27/1981The United States is embarking on an unprecedented increase. in peacetime military spending. The program has prompted heated discussions about the implications of defense spending for real output, employment, and prices. -
Economic Commentary
The Consumer Price Index: Concepts, Construction, and Controversy
07.28.1980 | EC 7/28/1980The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is commonly referred to as "the rate of inflation" or as "the cost of living in the United States."
Economic Review
Economic Review
The Seasonality of Consumer Prices
04.01.1995 | vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 12-23In reevaluating the evidence of seasonality in prices, the authors find that seasonal price movements have become more prominent in the relatively stable inflation environment that has prevailed since 1982. -
Economic Review
The Consumer Price Index as a Measure of Inflation
12.01.1993 | vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 15-24An examination of the potential bias that results from the expenditure-based weighting scheme CPI employs (weighting bias) and from persistent errors in measuring certain prices (measurement bias). This bias makes CPI a bad measure of inflation. -
Economic Review
Comparing Inflation Expectations of Households and Economists: Is a Little Knowledge a Dangerous Thing?
07.01.1986 | vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 14-19A comparison of the performance of forecasts by economists (the Livingston survey), households (the Michigan Survey of Consumer Finances), and a time series model (ARIMA).