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A Year of Crisis, and Now What? Where Our Main Streets Go from Here

Minority small-business owners and community lenders, some of whom described how they were surviving the COVID-19 pandemic in a Fed Communities story series, will share their experiences.

During this session, panelists will ponder the following questions:

  • Where are they now?
  • What do they need going forward?
  • Who can and should help?
  • What’s at stake for us all when small businesses in underserved areas—and the community development financial institutions and minority depository institutions that support them—struggle?


  • Suzanne Anarde, CEO, Rural Community Assistance Corporation
  • Elmy Bermejo, owner, Tommy’s Mexican Restaurant
  • John Chin, executive director, Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corporation
  • Gary R. Woods, former chairman, Oklahoma City Black Chamber of Commerce
  • Alfreda Norman, senior vice president, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
  • Matuschka Lindo Briggs, director, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (moderator)

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Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland