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A Capital Idea Creating Investing Partnerships in the Appalachia Region

Join the Federal Reserve Banks of Atlanta, Cleveland, and Richmond in a program on resources and partnerships for job creation in Appalachia. The afternoon session will highlight how rural areas are contending with the boom bust cycles of energy extraction. The expert panel will examine the history of energy extraction, ways communities retain wealth in their regions and the policy implications of these boom/bust cycles.

We will also explore a case study on Ohio’s Third Frontier. Entrepreneurship is a driving force of innovation and economic growth, yet entrepreneurs face significant challenges in transforming commercial opportunity into a viable business. In Ohio, the Ohio Third Frontier's six regional Entrepreneurial Signature Program (ESP) lead organizations and 13 Edison Technology Incubators are key resources for helping translate innovation ideas into investment-worthy companies through business assistance and pre-seed investments in startup companies.

Learn more about:

  • The historical perspective on mineral extraction booms in rural communities
  • Policy implications of boom/bust cycles and how they align businesses
  • How Third Frontier looked strategically at the key factors which determine innovation capacity and made investments on a scale that have made a difference in the State
  • How Third Frontier assists entrepreneurs in transforming a concept into a business opportunity from pre-seed investments to business implementation


Appalachian-focused bankers, CDFIs, angel funds, federal agencies, practitioners, community and micro lenders, and leaders from the foundation community who are investing in Appalachia.



Building Smart Entrepreneurial Prosperous Regions: What Works? - Mark Partridge

Creating Sustainable Prosperity: One Community Foundation's Emerging Experience with Extractive Economies 

When & where

Tue., April 1, 2014
12 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

Ohio University Inn and Conference Center, Athens, Ohio