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Press Release

Federal Reserve Banks to release findings from joint small business credit survey on March 3

The Federal Reserve Banks of Atlanta, Boston, Cleveland, New York, Philadelphia, Richmond and St. Louis will release findings from a joint regional survey of small business credit conditions at 2:00 pm EST on March 3, 2016.

The Small Business Credit Survey provides a detailed look at the credit needs and experiences of 3,500 businesses from 26 states. The report will also include analysis on microbusinesses, startups and online lenders, among others. The survey was conducted during the fall of 2015.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland is one of 12 regional Reserve Banks that along with the Board of Governors in Washington DC comprise the Federal Reserve System. Part of the US central bank, the Cleveland Fed participates in the formulation of our nation’s monetary policy, supervises banking organizations, provides payment and other services to financial institutions and to the US Treasury, and performs many activities that support Federal Reserve operations System-wide. In addition, the Bank supports the well-being of communities across the Fourth Federal Reserve District through a wide array of research, outreach, and educational activities.

The Cleveland Fed, with branches in Cincinnati and Pittsburgh, serves an area that comprises Ohio, western Pennsylvania, eastern Kentucky, and the northern panhandle of West Virginia.

Media contact

Doug Campbell,, 513.218.1892